Due to a day of RAIN, the breakfast is being rescheduled to WEDNESDAY at the Gridiron Plaza (111 S Doctor MLK Jr Boulevard, South Bend). 7-9 am.
Friday, May 3
DTSB First Friday's Pedal & Petals | 6:30 PM | Meet at the 200 block of S Michigan for a bike parade! | Riders are encouraged to dress up your bike, wear costumes. Helmets are encouraged.
Monday, May 13
Casual Ride From Pinhook Park | 6:00 PM | 2801 Riverside Drive, South Bend | Leisurely bike ride on local trails | WEATHER PERMITTING | Helmet required
Wednesday, May 15 (Day and location change)
Free Blueberry Pancake Breakfast (rescheduled due to rain) | 7-9 AM | Gridiron Plaza (111 S Doctor MLK Boulevard, South Bend)
Wednesday, May 15
Come experience the South Bend Bike Garage | 5-8 PM | 1441 N Michigan Avenue, South Bend
Thursday, May 16
Sun King Brewery Ride | 5:30- 8 PM | 235 IronWorks Avenue C, Mishawaka | Registration $15 with $10 donated to Bike to Work Week (includes a coupon for a complimentary beer)
RollOut SB Bike ride from the South Bend Bike Garage | see rolloutsb.com for information
Saturday, May 18
National Kids To Park Day | 1-4 PM | Kennedy Park (Eclipse Place, South Bend
Sunday, May 19
Ride your bike to brunch at Weiss' Gasthaus | 10 AM | 115 N Dixie Way, Roseland | Join us for a ride after along local trails
Friday, May 17
Bike to Lunch at Studebaker Plaza | 201 S Michigan Street, South Bend | lots of food trucks to choose from!
Evening bike ride from Howard Park | 8 PM | 219 S St Louis, South Bend | Bike Light giveaway | light up your bike for a fun night ride on bike trails